Monday, July 25, 2011


By: Bruce Mbingeleli


London is where it all happened, The Royal Wedding between the glorified Prince William of England and his “commoner” the now Princess Kate Middleton. It’s a bit funny why we must know about it all over the world. I mean at the end of the day it’s still just a wedding to me, but nonetheless everyone from my youngest niece to the most powerful people in the world was celebrating it and since we have a lust for holidays why don’t we just make the twenty ninth of April a holiday from now on maybe even I will celebrate it. What a prestigious event I must say with well known guests, the cavalry and the carriage made for a nice party and not viewing I’m even surprised why my girlfriend has not said a word about it and I discovered two ordinary people like us it didn’t make sense why someone, (please pay attention to “ordinary people like us”) from South Africa gets scrutinized in a bad way for throwing an expensive “sushi party”, or is it because sushi is not popular with S.A commoner’s? Is it because he’s an ex-convict? If it isn’t that discrimination? Someone please explain why this wedding is important. Middleton is one of the most beautiful brides I have seen in my life time and it was very disappointing to me that she was referred to as a “Commoner” as some would put it. All in all it was a nice and elegant wedding with brass bands which boasted class and were intriguing to watch as for the guests they were too obvious they would be there the like of Sir Elton John, David & Victoria Beckham etc... In closing it was an outstanding ceremony but it quite didn’t live up to its expectation as it was anticipated in simple terms I expected the impact of the 2010 World Cup but got the impression of street soccer instead.

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